General Usage

The Kamaʻāina Directory website is made available to you on an “as is”, “with all faults”, and “as available” basis, with the understanding that, at times, user-generated content might not have been monitored, controlled, or vetted by an administrator. As such, your use of the site is at your own discretion and risk.

A significant effort is made to verify information shown in Kamaʻāina Directory listings whenever possible; however, we make no absolute guarantees regarding the quality, accuracy, or reliability of the site content.

Site members that submit and maintain business listings have agreed to terms which specify they must provide as complete and accurate information about their listings as possible. Members assume all risks associated with the content they have submitted, including anyone’s reliance on its quality, accuracy, or reliability. Eligibility of businesses listed is subject to change pending annual renewals.

Kamaʻāina Directory is not liable to you for any loss or damage that might arise from your reliance on the information contained in our business listings, third-party advertisements, or metrics found on, used on, or made available through the site. We are likewise not liable for any loss or damage that might arise from the actions or omissions of any third party advertiser or member. Purchase and use of services or products offered by third parties through the website is at your own discretion and risk.

Privacy Policy

We use Google Analytics on our site in order to track the number of visitors, how those visitors came to our site, and which pages those visitors visit on our site(s). This is all handled under Google’s privacy policy. We do not use cookies to track your activity on our site(s). We do not store credit/debit card numbers.

Report a Member, Sponsor, or Advertiser

Kamaʻāina Directory reserves the right to remove any membership or listing if the information provided is false, intentionally misleading, defamatory, or unlawful. If you would like to provide feedback regarding the accuracy of a listing or a negative experience you had with one of the businesses or advertisers featured on our site, please contact us.